Monday, May 26, 2014

Day 32 & 33: Lotte World & Bungee-Jumping (which failed)

I am back after another 10 days in Korea (technically 8 because I arrived late on the first day, and I am leaving first thing on the last day). I will have more things to blog about I guess, since I went to Petite France and Jeonju this time round too. And a few other places. I re-visited Namsan Tower (still loving it very very much) and Myeongdong countless of times and Express Bus Terminal and Bukchon Hanok Village and I've to say that I take back all my words about Bukchon being boring.

So... Lotte World is relatively one of the easiest themeparks to get into. And also a good choice even if it rains because half of Lotte World is sheltered. But comparing Lotte World to Everland, I personally would still head to Everland despite it being farther and more troublesome to get to.

So Lotte World is accessible by Jamsil subway station, Exit 4 if I am not wrong. This makes going to Lotte World soooooooo easy. There isn't a need to change to any buses or take a taxi there or anything. Just walk a stretch of underground shops for about 15 minutes or so and you will see Exit 4. Follow the directions along the way and you will reach Lotte World. Besides, there is also Lotte Departmental Store there so you can do your duty free shopping afterwards (if it is still open of course).

So I was saying Lotte World is a great choice because it is partly sheltered. So here is the sheltered part. We were honestly quite glad to have this kind of crowd on a Saturday - I thought this was pretty reasonable already. There are quite a few rides indoors and also food places and performances at the center stage.

If you cross a bridge, it will link you to the outdoor part of Lotte World. This is where the more "exciting" rides are all at.

I took this one! It's called Bungee Drop. And it will simulate how a bungee jump is going to be? I thought it was just one drop down, but it went up and down thrice I think. I guess if you do a bungee jump there is rebound too hahah. This scared the hell out of me. I can't do anything vertical oh my goodness. I thought heights scare me already and vertical heights are the worseeeee.

This is the #1 ride in Lotte World - Gyro Drop. This ride is crazy. If Bungee Drop at 45metres scare you, Gyro Drop at its height of 70metres is sure to freak you out. And the worse - it's free fall (or so they say) comes suddenly and unexpectedly. You will go steadily upwards and the ride will rotate around so you get to see a 360 degrees view of Lotte World and its surroundings. It will stop for like 5 seconds or so and suddenly it will just droppppp!!! I was just standing below it and I can feel the strong wind when it came down. I could never pluck up my courage to do it even though people said the #1 scariest ride in Korea is T-express in Everland and #2 is Gyro Drop. I did #1 but I have no courage to even queue at Gyro Drop. Just feeling the strong wind when it drops down makes my legs go jelly already.

So I thought that Everland is a lot more fun because of the kinds of facilities it have. It has children-family rides as well and a lot of other things like a mini zoo etc. For me, Lotte World either has scary rides or boring rides - there is no middle here. Of course I opt for those boring rides hahahahahah. Everland also has the four seasons garden which you can spend an hour easily admiring the pretty flowers and snapping photos. If you have limited time on your trip, I would recommend Everland but of course that's only my opinion.

So Day 33 was the day I was half anticipating and half dreading - the bungee jump day. I decided to group it with Lotte World entry so you probably can expect that I didn't jump and thus have no experience to talk about. I can't even remember which one I attempted to do it at. I think it's Yuldong Park Bungee Jump.

Sorry I really can't help cause I forgot all the directions. Actually I was dreading rather than anticipating it because after the Bungee Drop the day before at Lotte World, I was somehow very very scared. It's about the same height as the one in Lotte World and thinking back, it will probably be done and over with before I know it. But I asked a lot of friends - it's taking the first step out that is hard, not so much of the free fall part.

I could help with a few photos though. You should see this playground just opposite the bungee jump area. 

I couldn't jump and I didn't fully understand why still. The instructors didn't speak Korean but it was drizzling and the weather looked bad and I thought that is the reason why too. I re-confirmed with him again after seeing a note saying that there is no jumps allowed that day. I could only understand him saying "no" hahahahahahha but you know how relieved I felt at that moment goshhh.

I headed back to Gangnam station to get a backpack for my last 10 days of road trip though. And I spotted Gongcha which is like my favourite bubble tea store everrrrrr. It costs nearly S$5 for a cup of pudding milk tea, which is almost twice the price of what I can get back in Singapore. But I was missing it so bad. If you ever want to try out bubble tea while in Korea, I recommend Gongcha anytime hahah.

1 comment:

  1. We will tell you how we did the bungee jump not knowing what an experience it will be.For More information World's Best Bungee Jumps click here
