Saturday, July 5, 2014

Day 38: Exploring Gangneung

Sorry for the lack of updates. It's hard to piece together things from nearly a year ago. But anyway I should still continue because things are going to get real busy for me soon and I would have even lesser time to update - I'm officially entering the workforce.

So we explored the area around Sun Cruise Resort first. Found a nice little quaint park and took many photos.

I could totally sit here forever....

The areas in Gangneung has beaches with one of the clearest waters I have ever seen. I'm not sure is it because there are less tourists and thus the water is less polluted.

Here's a shot of me at the nice beach area.

And here's a fantastic view of the "cruise" again. All along I thought it was a real cruise and they moved it up onto a hill hahahhahahah. But it turned out to be a resort built to look like a cruise. This place is really amazing.

If you're in Korea, grab this Wang Subab literally translates to Big Watermelon. It's an icecream shaped like a slice of watermelon and I guess the taste is close enough to a watermelon, though albeit artificial. I love it on a cooling day :)

After that we took a bus (I forgot the bus number) to Sodol Beach because we wanted to do the Gangneung zipline. It was also nerve-wrecking because the bus ride is about an hour away but we constantly kept a lookout and also focused on hearing the stop's name in fear of missing the stop and ending up at some unknown place 3 hours away. We reached a harbour-like place with no site of any zipline except one that looks like a 30-minute walk away. We asked the lady who was selling iced coffee in a pushcart (in our broken Korean) and she didn't know about it but she kindly took out her phone to google (or in Korea, they used Naver) for us. Her boss also came over to help us with it and it turned out that the Gangneung zipline is closed on Sundays. Bad day for us. And the place is so inaccessible. So I would highly recommend you to do the zipline down to Nami Island if you're interested in one.

We then cabbed to Charmsori Gramophone & Edison Science Museum because if we don't, we probably might not make it back in time. (Refer to previous entry about how the bus to Sun Cruise Resort only comes by every 2 hours). Museums are not my sort of thing but some stuff are pretty interesting too. Like the picture below. These are all the lightbulbs Thomas Edison has tried to make before he successfully invented the lightbulb.

We crossed opposite as we spotted this wide and spacious space for some jumpshot photos hahah.

We also took a bus to the Gajeong Beach I think. It was pretty good but we were too tired out for a day at the beach. We left after about an hour and took bus 202 back to the terminal area for dinner at 6pm or so because we didn't want to miss the 8pm bus (also the last bus) back to the resort. See how tiring it is to stay at the resort.

Dinner was at some family owned Korean restaurant. We ordered our favourite Haemul Pajeon (I always liked the ones in Korea, less batter, more seafood/chives) and their spicy kalguksu (knife-cut noodles). Both were good, but the spiciness of the kalguksu got to me after a while. I gave up at half bowl.

The helper in the restaurant, probably the son of the chef, was a cute ahjossi. Maybe an oppa, he looks like he is in his late 20s or early 30s. Cute as in not good-looking cute but his little antics are so cute hahah. He knew we weren't Koreans of course, because we were speaking in a language he couldn't understand. And then maybe due to boredom, he started chatting with us. His English was terrible though, not even basic seriously. Hahah probably only knew 100 words kind of terrible. So he talked to us in Korean. Apparently only me and Cheryl has a standard that is well enough to understand basic Korean. So but he kept bombarding us with Korean. It's the first time we had an entire conversation in Korean for a good 15 minutes with many exchanges of fluent and broken Korean respectively. We also gave up halfway because we couldn't understand him but he didn't give up and continue to use slightly simplier Korean along with a mixture of hand gestures to convey his meaning across.

Hilarious night really.

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